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OpenIndiana Hipster 2020.04 is here

We have released a new OpenIndiana Hipster snapshot 2020.04. The noticeable changes:
  • All remaining OI-specific applications have been ported from Python 2.7 to 3.5, including Caiman (slim_source) installer.
  • Installation images now don’t ship Python 2.7, however some software can still depend on it.
  • GCC 7 is used as the main system compiler now.
  • Libreoffice 6.4 was added.
  • PKG was updated to use rapidjson instead of simplejson for json processing which reduced memory consumption on operations with large package catalogues.
  • A lot of packages were updated.
More information can be found in 2020.04 Release notes and new medias can be downloaded from


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