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Open source strategies need to change in 2012

OI Unix
Open Enterprise Systems such as Oi UNIX (formally Sun's Opensolaris),Fedora,BSD,and Susie were all destined to create a new low cost sever market in 2011.This has still yet to happen in 2012.BSC Consulting puts forward some suggestions on how the Open source model needs to change to compete with proprietary systems in 2012.Arguing that Open source needs to deliver the same product experience as proprietary systems whilst defining Open source processes as the customer choice. The notion that the Open source route is sheltered from a customer focus is clearly untrue. Theoretically Open source should be the preferred product in recessionary times been relatively less effected by the economic cycle.Urging a change from a developer dominant community to a wider community skills base with defined traits.Producing a defined strategy to develop and dominate a market segment.Building  business professionals within the business or community.Use professional marketeers to innovate marketing..Many of these skills are identifiable in the success of both Apple and Google strategies.


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