Sun Microsystems were taken over in January 2010 by Orcale.Since then there has been a period of silent activity concerning changes in the product strategies or future development of Opensolaris.Many of the features are thought to be proof of concept builds for the forthcomming Solaris 11.It is still early days as to what Strategy Orcale will annouce for Opensolaris however the next scheduled realease is due sometime around 2010.03 What kind of changes can be expected? We looked at a prelaunch development edition to see whats likely to be a big milestone annoucement for Opensolaris. In addition to a changes in the graphics interface,the main applications will be updated releases of Firefox,Thunderbird,Openoffice with many additions to the ever impressive repository and many bug fixes. We took the chance to test drive one of the latest development releases to see what a home desktop user might expect.This is my own desktop build based on B130/2 which we recognise as work in progress. Th...
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